Marine Corps Marathon
Sunday, October 25, 2020
The Marine Corps Marathon sells out every year!
But you can get a bib and Run for Burma.
As a member of the Run for Burma team in the Marine Corps Marathon, you will save lives with each mile you run.
Run for Burma is the charity running team of Burma Humanitarian Mission. We provide medicine and medic training to backpack medics operating throughout the conflict zones of eastern and northern Burma where the Burma army continues to inflict violence on the Karen and other ethnic minorities villagers. The army routinely steals land and livestock, shoots men and boys, rapes women to intimate them. Click here to see all of our programs to help the people of Burma. As a result of the Burma Army’s violence:
- 1 in 7 children die before their 5th birthday – 10 times the rate in Thailand
- The maternal mortality rate is 15 times the rate in Thailand and 54 times higher than in the U.S.
- 1 in 10 suffer from malaria
- 1 in 5 from Acute Respiratory Infection (pneumonia)
- 60% of all children’s deaths could have been prevented with basic medicines
Where BHM supported medics operate, deaths from malaria and dysentery are down by 50% while child mortality has been cut in half.
Not only will you be raising money to save lives, but we offer great additional incentives:
- Personal fundraising website to share with friends and family to help you meet (and hopefully exceed) your fundraising minimum goal of $500,
- Team ‘Run for Burma” running shirt,
- A guaranteed entry to the Marine Corps Marathon - even after the race is sold out to the public.
- Prizes for top fund raisers, including a Brooks running jacket if you raise $1,000 or more,
- The Run for Burma marathon training and nutritional guide,
- Bi-weekly newsletter with articles and advice on distance running,
- A free Summer Training Program (if you are in the Washington DC area)
- Two dozen plus fundraising ideas and our experienced fundraising support,
- Sign up a friend and receive a $50 fundraising credit.
In return, we ask you to raise a minimum of $500…one of the lowest thresholds for any MCM Charity team!
If you already have your bib and you’d like to join the Run for Burma team, we ask that you raise a minimum of $100.
You, a friend or family member can also join the 10k team! All the fun but 20 miles shorter! We will buy your bib and provide all the same support if you raise at least $150! A great opportunity to share in the MCM festivities!
To register for the 2020 Marine Corps Marathon on October 25th and Run for Burma, email us. Once you join the team, you will receive a personal fundraising page, training tips, fundraising support and more.
If you have any questions, please contact our team captain, at or call 202.441.2888.

Special thanks to Brooks for your steadfast support of Run for Burma!

Ready to JOIN OUR TEAM contact us now!
Already a member of our team, start your own personal fundraising page!
No federal or Marine Corps endorsement is implied by use of MCM logo.