Burma Humanitarian Mission


Climate change is one of most urgent and serious environmental, economic, political, social and humanitarian issues of our time. As advocates for the future of the people of Burma, we call upon global leaders to act to prevent climate change, to mitigate the effects of climate change, and to level the global playing field with regard to Least Developed Nations, such as Burma/Myanmar. We will partner with organizations that are working to develop the country to ensure a healthy future. We support the Paris Agreement!


The following is quoted from: Climate change in Myanmar: impacts and adaptation Slagle, John T.  Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School


“Myanmar is a Least Developed Nation, according to the UN, and therefore is highly vulnerable to the negative effects of a changing climate.

“Though individual weather events cannot be attributed to climate change with any degree of certainty, the overwhelming consensus in the scientific community states that, allowing for regional variance, the general trend is toward an increase in the number and intensity of extreme weather events. Intensified cyclones, sea level rise, temperature increases, and rainfall variability are primary effects that are expected in the coming decades, with secondary effects that include altered agricultural growing seasons, decreases in sea and river fishery stock, and forced human displacement.

“The disruptive nature of a changing climate impacts all of a nation’s citizens. These impacts are compounded in a country such as Myanmar that has a poor, agrarian, and ethnically and religiously heterogeneous population that also has a history of domestic conflict. As an extremely late developing nation, these intensified negative impacts have the potential to exacerbate tensions among ethnic and religious groups and to leave behind the most vulnerable sectors of the population such as the extremely poor, sick, young, and elderly.”

Therefore, Burma Humanitarian Mission, a 501c3 organization whose mission is to empower a healthy and educated Burma/Myanmar through community partnerships, asserts that it is within the scope of our mission as advocates for the people of Burma to call upon global leaders, including those of the United States, to act to prevent climate change, to mitigate the effects of climate change, and to level the global playing field with regard to Least Developed Nations, such as Burma/Myanmar.


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