Child Development Center

The Child Development Center (CDC) is a school for migrant children from Burma who are unable to attend Thai Schools becasue the Thai government does not permit it.
The CDC provides general education to children from preschool through 12th Grade while also reinforcing cultural traditions to children who have been displaced from Burma. There are tens of thousands of children living along the Thai-Burma border who are in need of education.
Learning Thai, English, Math, Sciences, Community Development and Computer skills prepares the students for productive and contributory roles among their people. In Burma and Thailand, the workforce often lacks language, writing, science and math skills. Those individuals who possess these skills assume and are placed in leadership roles - for business, community leadership, and political leadership. While these skills can benefit the individual economically, the skills are critical to preserving the unique ethinic minority's culture as well as preparing future leaders. The cross-/multi cultural nature of the school promotes a cooperative approach to solving problems. This multi-cultural approach is in contrast with the pejorative view of Burma's ethnic majority and promotes cooperation among people of distinct cultural and historical backgrounds.
BHM supports the children of Backpack Medics working in Burma's conflict zones to attend CDC school. The conditions are unsafe in Burma for the children to stay with their parents due to the Burma Army's violence and the fact that the medic teams are constantly moving. Without this program these children have no other educational opportunity. Through a generous Grant of Buddhist Global Relief, BHM is able to send some of the children to school; however, there are more children needing your support.
Your donation of $125 will sponsor a child to attend the Child Development Center School for one school year. This donation will provide uniforms, school materials as well as school tuition.
BHM will send you the name, age, and a photograph of the child you are sponsoring. If you'd like to write to the child, we will also facilitate putting you in contact with him or her.
Donate to support Child Development Center or Sponsor a Child:
Donate to support Child Development Center or Sponsor a Child: